Divorce Lawyer

Divorce Lawyer

If you’re thinking about divorce, it’s a good idea to consult with a divorce lawyer. An attorney can help you understand the process, explain what you can expect during each phase of divorce, and create a strategy that gets you the best possible outcome. Remember,...
How to Avoid Paying Alimony

How to Avoid Paying Alimony

Alimony – commonly called spousal support – is part of many divorce cases in California. But how much will it cost you? Can you find out how to avoid paying alimony at all, or at least reduce the amount the court orders you to pay? Here’s what you need to know. How to...
Steps for Emergency Custody in California

Steps for Emergency Custody in California

When you’re going through a divorce, your main concern is your children – and you probably already know that you’ll have to develop parenting schedules between you and your ex to ensure that they get plenty of time with both of you. You could benefit from using a...
Parenting Schedules and a Parenting Plan Template

Parenting Schedules and a Parenting Plan Template

When you’re going through a divorce, your main concern is your children – and you probably already know that you’ll have to develop parenting schedules between you and your ex to ensure that they get plenty of time with both of you. You could benefit from using a...