What Does a Parenting Plan Look Like for a Non-Custodial Parent in a Move Away Context?
When a non-custodial parent moves away, a well-structured parenting plan is essential. Learn how to adjust custody, visitation, and communication effectively.
If I Quit My Job, Do I Still Have to Pay Alimony?
I've heard a number of clients tell me "l've had enough of working all day long paying his/her bills while he/she sits at home, why don't I just quit or take a part-time or minimum wage job to stick it to her/him?" This is an emotional & impulsive response, but why is quitting a job to avoid alimony a truly awful idea?
FAQ: Understanding Child Custody Schedules and Step Up Parenting Plans
Life after divorce can be one of the most challenging times for a parent. Making decisions about where your children will live and how they will spend their time is one of the most emotionally difficult tasks you will face after separation.