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The Difference Between Annulment and Divorce

The Difference Between Annulment and Divorce

Divorce and annulment are two ways of ending a marriage, but they differ significantly. Divorce ends a valid marriage, while an annulment declares the marriage null and void from its inception. Both have their legal implications, and it's essential to understand the...

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Aside from the sensitivities of making sure your law firm is queer-friendly, there are also some fundamental differences in dealing with LGBTQ+ family law, both in terms of the law itself and the situations rainbow families are more likely to find themselves in. Here is a quick tour of 3 differences that may apply to you and your family.

Same sex parents have the same child custody and parental rights as hetero partners; however, establishing paternity can sometimes include unique challenges. Here’s what that looks like in California.

There are two grounds for divorce in California: 1) irreconcilable differences, and 2) incurable insanity. Both trigger no-fault divorces, and are a required part of any divorce complaint.

The cost of divorce varies, depending on your circumstances, and what type of divorce you choose. Here’s how those expenses break down in California.