Do I Have to Pay Alimony?

Do I Have to Pay Alimony?

If you’re like many people, you’re wondering, “Do I have to pay alimony?” Because California allows one spouse to ask the other for alimony – commonly called spousal support – during a divorce, it’s a fairly common question. So will you...
Child Custody Schedules & Parenting Plans

Child Custody Schedules & Parenting Plans

Divorce is one of the toughest times in a parent’s life. You’re not only worried about doing what’s best for your kids, but you get a whole new set of responsibilities including making tough decisions on how much time your children should spend with...
What to Expect at an Ex Parte Child Custody Hearing

What to Expect at an Ex Parte Child Custody Hearing

When you’re going through a divorce, you may have to deal with an ex parte child custody hearing. The term ex parte means “for one party,” and it can refer to an order, a motion or a hearing that a judge grants at the request of only one party to your divorce....


A new development in family law this last year is the introduction of Family Code section 3040, signed into law by SB 274. This new law states that a child in California can legally have three parents. Child custody cases may now have to include orders for three...