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A mutual resolution is
almost always possible.

(…even when it feels unimaginable.)

We know how draining it can feel to be stuck in limbo if your family law matter has been delayed due to court closures. That’s why we are helping families reach peaceful and mutual resolutions using a virtual mediation process, even when it seems the parties aren’t likely to find common ground.

Your mediator will expertly navigate
secure virtual meeting with both parties.

Zoom Meeting

With the right help, you
can resolve difficult matters.

As experienced mediators, Alphonse and Maria are highly effective in helping opposing parties find a mutually beneficial resolution outside the courtroom.

Alphonse Provinziano 

Senior Mediator

Alphonse is a Certified Specialist in Family Law by the California State Bar Board of Legal Specialization. He has resolved 1000s of cases through the settlement and mediation process and has represented clients in approximately 2,000 legal matters over the past twelve years.

After 15+ years of service, Al is often disheartened by the emotional and financial stress that litigation and courtroom verdicts can cause. He values mediation as a healthy and cost-effective alternative.

Maria E. David, ESQ.

Managing Attorney

Maria attended Pepperdine’s renowned Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Mediating the Litigated Case, where she further studied the mediation of litigated cases to become a better mediator and better advocate for her clients.

She is a Top 40/Under 40 member of American Academy of Attorneys, achieved by less than 1% of those nominated for membership and also is a member of the Family Law Section of the California State Bar.

As Seen In

Frequently Asked Questions

What issues can my mediator resolve?

Any family law disputes, personal or professional, can be resolved through mediation. Your mediator will negotiate alternative solutions that allow both parties to come to a mutual agreement.

Is mediation expensive?

Mediation is often a more cost-effective approach to resolving disputes than litigation. In regular family law court proceedings, both parties typically hire their own attorneys. With mediation, only the Provinziano Legal Team would be hired and you also avoid paying court fees.

Can what you say be used against you in court if mediation is unsuccessful?

Unlike trials and hearings, mediation is private. Any negotiations or potential admissions made during mediation cannot be brought to court or litigation, according to California law.

What if we don’t agree on all issues?

Agreements are not required in mediation. The mediator can recommend returning for another session to resolve any remaining issues, if it seems it could be beneficial to both parties. You do not lose your right to trial by participating in mediation, therefore, litigation is still an option if mediation is unsuccessful and an agreement can still be prepared for settled issues.

What if we don’t settle in mediation?

If the parties do not settle in mediation, an impasse occurs. You are not required to come to an agreement. The issues can still be taken to court and decided upon by a judge. Mediation is seldom a waste of time, even if an agreement is not reached, as parties typically narrow in on what are the real issues. This can save time and money if litigation does occur. Even partial agreements can help the parties reach a resolution.

Is my mediator also my lawyer?

No. While mediators are often lawyers by profession, this person must remain an unbiased third party. They cannot give legal advice to either party. However, the Provinziano Legal Team, led by seasoned attorney Alphonse Provinziano, Certified Family Law Specialist, can provide valuable insight on a range of possibilities that the court could order in a family law matter, which proves to be helpful for parties trying to resolve their cases.

If we mediate, do we still have to appear in court?

If you mediate and reach an agreement before filing a family law case, the Provinziano Legal Team can enter this into the court record without you having to appear in court at all. If you do not reach an agreement, you can continue mediation or appear in court to have a judge make the final decisions.
Will our mediation agreement be enforceable?An agreement signed by both parties at mediation is a binding agreement. If one party does not honor the agreement, the other party can go to court to enforce it.

How long does mediation take?

The time required to solve problems depends on the complexity of the case and the flexibility of the parties. If a resolution is not agreed upon during the first session, subsequent sessions can occur if they would be beneficial. Our team prides ourselves on being able to bring cases to settlement and resolve disputes, even in extreme cases. This allows both parties to move on with their lives, free of conflict with each other.

Peace of mind may
be a mediation away.

5 stars "Al was extremely professional and polite, a good guy, not your average lawyer. He was firm, honest and realistic with me and the "other side."
5 stars ". . . They were conscious of my budget and were able to help me avoid going to trial as Al negotiated a deal with my co-parent and we came to a mutual agreed upon resolution!"

The Mediation Process

Mediation is a private, effective way to discuss and resolve family law issues outside of the courts, with the help of an unbiased, third-party (mediator). Although mediation is less formal than a trial, it is a structured process that is designed to get resu


Statement of the Problem

After a mediator explains the goals and ground rules of mediation in a joint virtual call, each party can then describe their side of the dispute and its consequences.



This meeting is followed by a joint discussion that further defines the issues and identifies problems.



If needed, private virtual meetings can be held between each party and the mediator to exchange offers. Typically, the parties do not rejoin until an agreement is reached.


Reaching an Agreement

If the parties reach an agreement, the mediator will put the main provisions in writing and ask the parties to sign the written summary.

Don’t wait for the courts to reopen. Talk with our team about virtual mediation.