Spousal Support in California

Spousal Support in California

Nowhere is the phrase, “What’s mine is yours,” more applicable than while you are married. Here, anything one partner earns belongs to both, and so (at least legally) it doesn’t matter if one makes more than the other. You are both joint owners of it all.  But what...
How Do I Get Sole Child Custody?

How Do I Get Sole Child Custody?

Child custody refers to the broad range of parental rights and responsibilities that come with being a parent. While married, biological parents share these rights equally; however, that changes if you ever get divorced. When this happens, custody will need to be...
Do I Have to Pay Alimony?

Do I Have to Pay Alimony?

If you’re like many people, you’re wondering, “Do I have to pay alimony?” Because California allows one spouse to ask the other for alimony – commonly called spousal support – during a divorce, it’s a fairly common question. So will you have to pay? It depends. ...
Child Custody Move-Away: What You Need to Know

Child Custody Move-Away: What You Need to Know

If you’re involved (or about to become involved) in a child custody move-away case, you may want to work with a Certified Family Law Specialist who can help you. That’s because these types of cases can be incredibly complicated, and you want to work with an attorney...
Failure to Pay Alimony in California

Failure to Pay Alimony in California

When you divorce your spouse in California, the judge in your case might order one of you to pay the other spousal support. Spousal support – commonly called alimony – is a fixed sum of money that one spouse pays the other so that the recipient can get back on his or...