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Marriage means many different things to a lot of different people. In the legal sphere, however, it boils down to one, very simple thing: a contract.  When you got married, you and your spouse agreed to combine a lot of important interests—like property, retirement accounts, and even custody of any children you might have together. In turn, you […]

In the legal world, marriage isn’t about romance. Quite simply, it’s a contract; an agreement made between two people who want to be seen as a single entity in the eyes of the law. This contract binds the couple’s finances and interests, and offers certain protections and benefits in return.  There are a lot of […]

In 2018, nearly 35% of California women (and over 30% of men), reported that they’d experienced some kind of intimate partner physical violence. During this time, domestic violence accounted for 20% percent of all violent crimes, and a staggering 65% of all murder-suicides between significant others.  These statistics are staggering, but they only cover a […]

Spousal support are payments that one spouse makes to the other, to help support their needs, post-divorce. Here’s how that works in California.

Child custody refers to the broad range of parental rights and responsibilities that come with being a parent. While married, biological parents share these rights equally; however, that changes if you ever get divorced. When this happens, custody will need to be divided.  This process is called a “child custody dispute,” and it will result […]