Attorney Consultation

We’re Here to Help

Our Attorney Consultation will clear up any confusion or doubt you might feel in your family law matter
and help you see the path to a positive outcome in your case. After your 1-hour consultation
with Senior Attorney Alphonse Provinziano, you will receive:

Inside the court room small

A Strategic Plan

A customized, strategic plan developed for your family law matter.

Moving with children small

Spousal/Child Support Analysis

It’s important to understand what’s fair in terms of spousal or child support.

Signing deivorce paper

Analysis Division of Assets & Debts

How will your assets be divided and debts get handled? We’ll help with a clear analysis.

Read our Blog

What is the Marital Standard of Living and Why Does It Matter?

What is the Marital Standard of Living and Why Does It Matter?

The Court has a statutory list of 14 factors to consider in making orders for spousal support. Three of those factors directly refer to the marital standard of living. Specifically, the Court needs to consider (1) the earning ability or each party, (2) the ability of each party to pay support and (3) the needs of each party through the lens of the marital standard of living.

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